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As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, being able to communicate effectively in a foreign language has become an essential skill for professionals in all fields. For salespeople, this is particularly important, as they must be able to communicate their products and services in a clear and persuasive manner to customers from all walks of life. One key aspect of this is being able to use industry-specific terms and jargon in your sales pitch. In this article, we will explore how to properly spell and use common sales-related words in English, and provide a template for a self-introduction in English that salespeople can use to effectively communicate their skills and experience to potential customers.


As a salesperson, mastering the relevant English vocabulary is essential. In this article, we will introduce some common salesperson English words and phrases.

1. Salesperson (销售人员)

Salesperson is the official job title for people who sell goods or services to customers. In some cases, the term "sales representative" or "sales associate" may also be used.

Example sentence: I am a salesperson at XYZ Company.

2. Sales team (销售团队)

Sales team refers to a group of individuals who work together to sell goods or services. A sales team may include salespeople, sales managers, and support staff, and may be responsible for a specific geographic region, product line, or customer segment.

Example sentence: Our sales team has been working hard to raise our quarterly revenue.

3. Prospect (潜在客户)

A prospect is a potential customer who has shown an interest in a company's products or services but has not yet made a purchase. Prospects are often identified through lead generation activities such as trade shows, webinars, or social media campaigns.

Example sentence: We have several promising prospects in the pipeline for next quarter.

4. Lead (销售线索)

A lead is a piece of information about a potential customer that salespeople can use to initiate a conversation or relationship. Leads may include contact information such as a name, phone number, or email address, as well as details about a person's interests or purchasing habits.

Example sentence: I received a lead from our marketing team about a CEO who is interested in our software.

5. Pitch (销售介绍)

A pitch is a persuasive presentation or conversation designed to convince a prospect to buy a product or service. A pitch may include a demonstration of the product's features and benefits, a discussion of the customer's pain points, and an explanation of how the product can solve their problems.

Example sentence: I prepared a pitch for the CEO that highlights our competitive advantages.

6. Close (完成销售)

Closing a sale refers to the point in the sales process when the customer decides to buy the product or service. A salesperson may use a variety of techniques to "close" a sale, such as offering a discount, emphasizing the product's value, or creating a sense of urgency.

Example sentence: I was able to close the sale by offering the customer a 10% discount.

7. Upsell (升级销售)

Upselling is the practice of offering customers a more expensive or advanced version of a product or service. Upselling can increase revenue and customer satisfaction by providing customers with additional value and features.

Example sentence: I was able to upsell the customer from a basic subscription to our premium package.

8. Cross-sell (交叉销售)

Cross-selling is the practice of offering customers related products or services that complement their original purchase. Cross-selling can increase revenue and customer loyalty by providing customers with a more comprehensive solution to their needs.

Example sentence: I was able to cross-sell the customer on our security software after they purchased our cloud storage solution.

9. Pipeline (销售渠道)

A sales pipeline refers to the various stages a prospect goes through before becoming a customer. A typical sales pipeline may include stages such as lead generation, qualification, proposal, and close.

Example sentence: Our sales pipeline is healthy, with several promising leads in the early stages.

10. Commission (佣金)

A commission is a percentage of a sale that a salesperson receives as a form of compensation. Commission-based pay structures are common in sales roles, as they incentivize salespeople to close more deals and generate more revenue.

Example sentence: I received a 5% commission on the sale, which was a nice boost to my paycheck.

In conclusion, mastering these common English words and phrases can help salespeople communicate more effectively with customers and colleagues, and ultimately drive greater success in their roles.